Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just Life

Yes...yes...It is I, the "prodigal blogger"! I know have not lived up to my end of the blogging deal that I made. So...I gottta catch up. Is it hot where you are? It is blazing in the 219. I love it though. I am a fan of hot weather.  I hate the snow, cold and ice...except for December18th-my birthday! This month has been a whirlwind of activities for me and my friends. From our class' fundraiser, parties in between, to the Kappa Konclave in Indianapolis....I was a tad bit tired.  However, it was really good to see some people that I have not seen in 20 plus years! I ran into an old friend...literally ran into him. As we were walking in the lobby of the hotel. He stopped my friend and I did a a double take. I spoke with later that next week and and we talked for is strange like that.  You'll be hearing more about him...... ;)

I listened in on WEA's radio show and listened to the testimony of Bebe Barlow, a double Breast Cancer Survivor. It got me to thinking about my Grandma who was a Survivor also. I decided to form a team and walk in the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk for them and numerous others who have been affected by this disease in any way.  You too can help by joining my team or making a donation. Just click the link below.

Friday, July 1, 2011