Monday, November 28, 2011

Kiss Kiss

I haven't been blogging at all. But today, I got some "subliminal motivation" from a FB friend. Thanks Nik!! So here goes....and I am back, Boo!

Another holiday has come and gone.....but another one is just a few weeks away. And no I am not talking about Christmas, I am speaking of my birthday!! My birthday is December 18th, seven days before Christmas. Growing up as only child, my parents made sure that the two days were separate.....a tradition that I FIRMLY BELIEVE IN even now. :) I haven't the slighted idea of what I want to do or wear. I guess I need to get on that ASAP. I do believe that I am celebrating later on in the month with a group party. I will keep you posted. One thing for certain that I will be doing during my birthday weekend is helping to give back @ Lynch's Coat Drive. Be a blessing and you will be blessed. Each One Reach One and Teach One!
Now on to some matters of the is an extremely interesting concept. What does it actually mean?? Some people feel that it is over-rated, I don't. You just have to know when to keep it moving. I have seen too many people try to breathe live into a dead relationship, including myself. If it doesn't work out, then kiss harm no foul. I would consider myself an NON traditional dater. I don't mind taking a guy every now and then. I know somebody is SMDH with that one. But nevertheless, I don't mind. Now don't get me wrong, there aren't guys beating my door down to take me that's another topic for another day.....So until the next time... KISS KISS!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bringing It Back

Aha! I made it with the No Pop Challenge....32 days! I haven't been drinking any pop consistently, just one every 3 or 4 days. I made it and thanks to all who gave me support!!

Some team members from Good Scents Oils, a lady from my church and her family and myself participated in the Making Strides Walk for Breast Cancer a few weeks ago. It was hot!! As many of you know, I was a letter carrier for 10 years, so I thought that walking 5K~3miles was nothing. I figured that I could do it without being in shape and just walking around the neighborhood that morning. Well, let me tell you....I WAS NOT READY!!! We tried to do half the walk and Tammy who is older than the 4 of us that were walking together, to us to keep walking and keep it moving! So, I did as I was told!! We had a good time hanging out and for a good cause. My calves and hip were hurting afterwards. No comments please.....I realized that Sunday afternoon, after a hot bath and some food...that I am out of shape. Now mind you, I was 95 pounds when I graduated from Velt in 87....110 when I graduated from IU in 91 and now I am 190 which is the same amount I weighed when I had my last child. I know that I need to eat better and workout or something. I think I might sign up for Zumba~remember that I said might! Seriously, I do need to do something and quick. Get the hell out of here....what am I talking about....I have to get my sexy back and soon. Not only my sexy, but just getting back in shape for my health.  My birthday is in 2 months-December me you will here more about it...I plan on wearing a form fitting dress without my BODY MAGIC!! Now should I have a party or get surprised? Hmmm.......*smooches for now*

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time to Let it Go.....

On Sunday 09/04-I saw a childhood friend's husband FB post about participating in a 30 day No Pop Challenge. Since I had already had 2 Pepsi's by then, starting was out. The next day was the Labor Day. I pondered over and over...should I, could I?? My favorite drink....give it up for 30 days? Hmmm might as well try it. The first day was very brutal. I had a headache-true story-for about 4 hours. Wow!! Did that mean that I was addicted to them??  Probably so, since I usually have 3 or 4 a day. I am glad to say that I am in Day 9 and I am doing great!! This is the most water that I have drank in a long time. I know that I might have an occasional can after this is over, but not as much as before. 21 down and counting......

In other news....(I love to say that)......I love football and my team is the Indianapolis Colts! I actually have some knowledge about the game and not just the meaning of a touchdown. Frequently, I am asked why I like the Colts instead of the Bears. Well, first of all, I like who I like and why does it matter??? LBVS Most people tell me that Indianapolis and the Governor care nothing about NW Indiana, so why support them? Uhhhh...should I dislike people from Indy too? I'll wait. Any who, for the gazillioneth time, I started watching football when I attended IU Bloomington and the team in the area was the Colts. I have been a fan and following them every since.  I even had a guy that I was dating to always challenge my "fandom" and ask me trivia questions....I hope he reads this...LMBO! I don't feel the urgency of inquiring about why I like who I like. It shows my uniqueness. And to my follower Delwyn, you are excused concerning your question this morning! SMILE

With that being said...Go Colts Go!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Inconvenienced? Nope.....

Yesterday, my electricity went off during the storm.  During the "darkness"~lol~I had time to do some quiet thinking.  At first, my initial reaction was that I was going to be inconvenienced for the evening without being able to eat some warm food, text or talk when my battery died on my phone, watch TV or get on FB (yes, I'm addicted too!! LOL) I lit a Cherry Blossom candle and talked with my daughters.  We laughed about some things and had some serious conversations as well.  I saw that it was starting to get late, so we blew out the candle and said Goodnight. As I lay in the bed, my mind starting to drift.  I thought about my INCONVENIENCES....
Warm food-We had already eaten dinner, so my children and I were full. 
Text or Talk-I have another phone who's battery was fully charged, so I could just switch the SIM card if necessary and use it.
Watch TV-Nothing was on anyway last night that I couldn't catch in re-reruns.
Get on FB-I can always play catch up and read the notifications.
So when you get right down to it, I wasn't inconvenienced at all. Maybe that was God's way of slowing us down to spend some quiet and quality time together! I am appreciative for that time last night.....BTW, our power was restored at midnight~I couldn't go back to sleep. The last look at the clock was 2:30 AM, needless to say I am sleepy!! ~Spread love~

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just Life

Yes...yes...It is I, the "prodigal blogger"! I know have not lived up to my end of the blogging deal that I made. So...I gottta catch up. Is it hot where you are? It is blazing in the 219. I love it though. I am a fan of hot weather.  I hate the snow, cold and ice...except for December18th-my birthday! This month has been a whirlwind of activities for me and my friends. From our class' fundraiser, parties in between, to the Kappa Konclave in Indianapolis....I was a tad bit tired.  However, it was really good to see some people that I have not seen in 20 plus years! I ran into an old friend...literally ran into him. As we were walking in the lobby of the hotel. He stopped my friend and I did a a double take. I spoke with later that next week and and we talked for is strange like that.  You'll be hearing more about him...... ;)

I listened in on WEA's radio show and listened to the testimony of Bebe Barlow, a double Breast Cancer Survivor. It got me to thinking about my Grandma who was a Survivor also. I decided to form a team and walk in the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk for them and numerous others who have been affected by this disease in any way.  You too can help by joining my team or making a donation. Just click the link below.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My BUT is big.....

Disclaimer: Oh no! I have missed my weekly promise. I was on vacation last week. I took my laptop, but I just didn't blog. Yes, I know, no excuse...I am going to stay true to this blogging as a promise to my Bestie. With that being said, I have to birth 2 posts this week.  :)

I went to a conference last year (Women's Entrepreneurs of America's Annual Conference) and I heard various presentations. One of them involved procrastination and a but rock. Yes a but rock! For all of you dirty minded individuals, a but rock is a rock with the word but on it. HUH??? We place things in our lives on hold for various reasons, for example, I was going to blog last week BUT I was on vacation. Or, I might say I was going to finish up some paperwork BUT I had to do something else. I have another example, I was going to announce that I was an Independent Sales Diva for Good Scents Oils BUT I decided to wait. Now that I am starting to think about some things, I realize that my BUT is getting big! #wait4it  These tasks could have easily been accomplished! The take away from the presentation was to stop putting so many tasks under the but rock and just complete them. So here goes, I have completed one of my 2 blog goals for the week, I have caught up my paperwork and.....

here's the link to my website:
and to my facebook fan page:!/pages/Good-Scents-Oils-Genesis-Jones/155031257902594

Monday, June 6, 2011


Disclamer: Well....well....well.....What we have here is a failure to blog! I keep promising myself and my followers that I am going to do better with this. Alright, I am promising again. How about 4 times a month, which is equivalent to once a week. I'm sure that I can manage that. :)

It has started out to be a beautiful Spring, even though we are experiencing Summer-like weather.  The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, the sun dresses are on and the natives are getting restless! (insider)Yesterday, Pastor Thompson told us to leave last month's stuff in last month......See Ya May!! I'm looking forward to this month and next and the next and so on...I'm sure you get the point. So far, the month of July is booked. I have plans for every weekend. Imagine that...well maybe you shouldn't. LMBO! I am so excited yet sad that my Bestie has her wings and she won't be here physically for the ride. I know she will be in spirit though. :) A few of my girlfriends and myself have experienced some tribulations and life experiences over the last couple of years that might have broke some people all the way down and out...but not us! We are back....this is our year of restoration and our summer for doing US!!  We deserve it.....See you somewhere this summer!

Mr Sun Clip Art

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Time to Get in Shape!

After putting off a much needed Dr's. app't., I finally went last week. I am blessed to say that everything was OK. Although I lost a few pounds, she did say that I need to get in better shape. Can you believe it? A former letter carrier and now I am out of shape. I don't know how I got to this point...I have always been on the thin side, but now....uh oh....I movin' on up in the weight category.  I didn't have this problem last spring/summer, I walked around Gleason every day that the weather was good. This year though, it is a very different story...the weather hasn't been that great~that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  LBS I have decided to play sports this spring summer. I wanted to play softball, but it seems like it is too late to sign up anywhere. My Sis stated that she would like to play golf. I can go for that! I think that I would look really cute in a "Serena" inspired outfit. *wink* I remember playing golf in gym at Roosevelt. Some days, Coach Henderson would take us to Gleason so we could play. He always encouraged us to join the team...I never did. I probably should have. But anyway, I am looking forward to getting back in shape. I am actually participating at a Zumba event on Friday for Heart Disease in memory of my Bestie, Tee. I'm pretty sure that I will have a lot to blog about behind that one.....See you on the links....FORE!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Late Night Politics

It's about 3:00 AM and I can not sleep. Nothing's wrong...just one of those nights/mornings.  I am actually doing some laundry, so all is not lost on the lack of sleep.....I can hear the wind rustling outside my window as it is storming.....

Next week, in my hometown of Gary, which I mostly refer to as the "G", is election day.  History is bound to be made within the mayoral race. The 2 front-runners are both African-American Women! By Lake County being a democratic machine, the winner will most likely become mayor.  Over the past few weeks, I have been in debate with people over who I would vote for and the reasons why.  Although I am unable to vote because of my residency, I would encourage all that are registered to vote in the G, to vote!! The usual dismal voter turnout percentage of 35-40% is not what is needed. In order to get your voice heard, you must exercise your right to vote. If you don't vote, you definitely have no grounds to complain any decisions that will be made that will affect the city. The G has been in turmoil for years. So realistically, how can the new Mayor turn the city around in 30 days, 90 days, a full term?  Please don't expect that.....some will though-real talk! Progression to a better city is what I would expect. If you are still undecided, there is a mayoral forum scheduled on April 30th. I would encourage you to attend and try to get your questions answered. Read the local newspapers, Email or "Facebook" the candidates, go to the forum, click on the Ustream links, etc.! What I am getting at is this: AN INFORMED VOTER IS A WISE VOTER!

So much for loads are done. Maybe I can get these last 3 hours in.....Night....Night......

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Showers

The month of April is normally known for the rain it brings.....hence April Showers. In my life, the month of April is synonymous with showers of tears. Three phenomenal women that I love dearly have birthdays this month. My Mom, my paternal Grandma, and my Bestie. They also are no longer here with me. My Mama and my Grandma both passed in April as well-Mama in 1997 and Grandma in 2004. I always try to remain busy on those days so I can't "think" about what the date is.  On the 10th, My Ma would have been 62, Grandma would have been 82 on the 8th and Tee would have been 42 on the 23rd. I can still recall the last conversation I had with each of them like it was yesterday.

I went to my Ma's house and I got some pictures, she asked why did I try to steal her pictures. I told her that I just wanted to make some copies. She said well make copies of all of my pictures that you have stolen and give them back. She then picked up Cherrelle and told her you are a just a doll! That's why I call you Granny's doll. I then told her we would be back on her birthday, which was in four days....she passed 2 days later......

I called my Grandma and asked how she was feeling, because she had become bed ridden by then. She said like she always did...I feel ok. I then asked her was it OK to come and see her on that Thursday because it was going to be warm. Let me explain....I had just gave birth to Jannee' about 2 weeks before and Grandma was like the GESTAPO when it came to going out before those 6 weeks were up. She didn't want me to catch pneumonia or have a "set back" this day, I am really not sure what a "set back" is....I told her that it was going to be 70 degrees, so I should be fine and I really wanted her to see Jannee'. She told me just to wait and she knew she was beautiful because she was one of hers. That Thursday, I did get to see Grandma, just not like I wanted....she passed that day.....

My last conversation with  my Bestie was a short one.  She told me that she was feeling a little down. I immediately told her no worries, everything would be fine! She said to are right! I told her that I loved her to pieces and she said I love your ass to pieces right back...she passed later that night......

Happy Birthday Ladies! I have decided to celebrate all month!! <3

Spread love to everyone.....and if you see me....give me a hug.....I could use one!

Much Love....Just Gen

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My People-Part 1

I must admit, this blogging thing isn't that bad.....

Everybody has favorites. Favorite color, hair styles, foods, cars, etc.  My favorite dessert is cheesecake, my favorite colors are pink and red, etc.  My blog subjects for the next few posts are dedicated to some of my favorite people who just happen to be business owners.
My Favorite Dress Boutique-Gorgeous Emerald-owned by my sister/best friend Raven Cox

My Favorite Dessert Maker-Angel Cakes owned by Angela Lott

My Favorite Hatter-Top Notch Hats and Accessories owned by Jerome (Jerry) Lynch

My Favorite Bath and Body Products-Good Scents Oils owned by Regina Earvin 

My Favorite Women Entrepreneur Support Group-WEA, Inc.-Nat'l President-Yolanda Lamar-Wilder

And of course: My Favorite Candles-Partylite-Gen Jones, Consultant

 Please feel free to click on our links.  Maybe we'll become one of your favorites, too.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Words Pt.2

Looks like the story will end here....Saying sorry does not always cut it. Sometimes sorry is not enough! You should choose your words carefully, once they are spoken, you can't take them back. I accept apologies, but I don'thave to accept you anymore. I refuse to accept "I'm sorry" anymore as a cure all from ANYBODY! That is all.......cue Cee-Lo!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Pastor Holmes (RIP) always told us to find the good in people.  I try....really I do.  For some, you need a magnifying glass to find the good...LBS.  I was told a couple of weeks to ago that I need to snap out of it (as I was grieving for my Bestie).  If I had been my normal self, I would have gave the person a barrage of not so nice words. READ: Cursed out!! Instead I just responded that I didn't know that there was a time table and when I do snap out then maybe I'll call you back. I am progressing towards feeling better, I am laughing again and the anxious feeling is gone....somewhat.  Have I called them back? NO. Got a couple of text messages...."Are you mad about something?" My response: I don't feel like talking.  So today was a new day.  I explained to them, via text, how I felt when they gave me their Dr. Phil of how I should feel....FOH!!! I felt liberated after that.  I refuse to be held captive by someone else's BS. People are in our lives for reasons and seasons, I guess it is the end of that season.  Na Na Na....Na Na Na...Hey Hey Hey....Good Byyyyyyyyyeeeee!!  Now that just made me laugh out loud for real! Welp....that's all for now. Gotta get ready for the gig....get in and get out.  It's party time for my sister Raven tonite-Happy Birthday again! Just remember that words can hurt....use them wisely.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm trying out a new way to blog...via my phone! Let's see if this actually works....

Monday, February 28, 2011

Something Special

I have been listening to a lot of Will Downing lately.  He is one of my favorite artists! His music has a message, mostly about love.  I wanted to share one of my favorites with you.....make sure you listen to the words....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

To My Bestie.....

I can't believe that I have blogged in 4 months, well yes I can! LOL I am not a writer like Raven or Thelma (my Bestie) so that's my excuse.  My last blog was written right before I went to OSR-Old School Reunion at IU.  OSR is held during Homecoming Weekend and the activties are geared toward the Minority Students.  *Side Note* Thanks Ruben for making it a yearly event! It was also the last OSR that I will spend with my Bestie! I wrote her a letter last week and I FINALLY have the strength to share it! I love u Tee and you knew that! We ended our conversations with : I love you Bestie! <3
Tee....I am not ready for this at all.  I know there is a reason, but I don't know it yet and am I am not ready to know.  I keep playing CSI with this...trying to look for signs that you were ill or trying to say good-bye.  You have been a daily part of my life since I met you in 1987 at IU.  We have shared so many memories. I remember how the Police came to our door every other day because we played NWA loud as ever! The best memory was when your water broke on the damn couch!! I started crying and called my Grandma.  After she told me to hang up the phone and help you, I asked you what was I supposed to do! You said do something, but yo black ass betta boil no damn water!!  Laughing thru tears at that one.  The guy that I told you about, I'm keeping him just like you told me to do! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITHOUT U??  Don't worry about the boys...I mean the twins, I keep forgetting they are grown....They know that their TT Gen got them and so does everyone else. I know you're saying put the damn pen down with your ole sentimental ass! :) Even though I am the crier in our circle of girlfriends, I promise to be strong for them! Especially your Twin.....I love you Bestie~ <3

Thelma Herlena Shaw
April 23, 1969-February 12, 2011

I promise to write in my blog more, Tee.........