Another holiday has come and gone.....but another one is just a few weeks away. And no I am not talking about Christmas, I am speaking of my birthday!! My birthday is December 18th, seven days before Christmas. Growing up as only child, my parents made sure that the two days were separate.....a tradition that I FIRMLY BELIEVE IN even now. :) I haven't the slighted idea of what I want to do or wear. I guess I need to get on that ASAP. I do believe that I am celebrating later on in the month with a group party. I will keep you posted. One thing for certain that I will be doing during my birthday weekend is helping to give back @ Lynch's Coat Drive. Be a blessing and you will be blessed. Each One Reach One and Teach One!
Now on to some matters of the is an extremely interesting concept. What does it actually mean?? Some people feel that it is over-rated, I don't. You just have to know when to keep it moving. I have seen too many people try to breathe live into a dead relationship, including myself. If it doesn't work out, then kiss harm no foul. I would consider myself an NON traditional dater. I don't mind taking a guy every now and then. I know somebody is SMDH with that one. But nevertheless, I don't mind. Now don't get me wrong, there aren't guys beating my door down to take me that's another topic for another day.....So until the next time... KISS KISS!
Love it.