Friday, October 15, 2010

Dear Ole Roosevelt......

Two Homecomings in the same weekend.....Gary Roosevelt and Indiana University!!  Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend Roosevelt's activities this weekend.  I remember as a child, I always wanted to go to Roosevelt! My grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins all went to 'Velt.  In the summer of 82, I remember walking....yes walking....up to Roosevelt to participate in Summer Band.  That summer and the summers to follow were dedicated to Marching in that heat! Fast Forward to the fall of 1986.-I was the drum major of the best band in the City...hands down!  I remember how hard we practiced for Homecoming to make sure our steps were precise.   We lined up on 21st Ave to start the our homecoming parade.....BAND ATTENTION!! PANTHERS 1-2!!  As we came down Broadway and rounded 25th...we played DEAR OLE' ROOSEVELT and the people were going crazy!!  We were all so pride was so big back forward to halftime....We marched onto the field with Russell Dennie (RIP) playing that bass guitar and the drum section with that cadence......we lost that game by the way....With that being said: 2-5 GET LIVE! GET ALL THE WAY LIVE!! GO PANTHERS and BEAT West Side! *side note* I still can dance and I remember the steps, too....lmbo!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Keep Smiling

I started off the day in a very good mood! Even though I dreaded coming back to work today.....I took 2 vacay days-Friday and Monday....I still resolved myself to be positive. The workday is going pretty good, no major issues to deal with, so that's a plus at the P.O.!  LOL  How about you? How is your day, today? I hope that it is all good.  Remain upbeat today, it keeps them (haters, naysayers, etc.) wondering what is she/he so happy about??  We gotta keep on their jobs-lol!!

I have promised myself that I would keep smiling today.....what about you?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bye to a Friend

 Last week, I lost a classmate, Phillip Freeman, who I had just this year, reconnected with.    When I found out that he was sick, I immediately tried to reach out to him, but he didn't want any visitors or calls.  That was fine, I can respect his privacy. The last time I physically saw him was at my church, he came to a musical.  I hugged him about 3 times and he said, "Dang Gen, are you that happy to see lil ole me?" I responded that I was.  I didn't realize that would be the last time I saw him......I connected with him via Facebook and we talked via inbox  a few times. Phil's death leaves me happy and sad at the same time.  I'm happy that he is not suffering any longer and not in pain.  I'm sad, because he's not here with us anymore.  Philip was a genuine person with musical talent. He could play and SANG!!! Tomorrow and Wednesday will be hard for his family, his church family and the many friends he has made throughout the years......Prayer will get all of us thru........I'm done before my keyboard gets any wetter :).....we love you Phil....RIP.......

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Well hello's been a minute.  I am trying so hard to get this website of mine off the ground.  I know I should just pay somebody to do it, but no way!!  I want to do it myself.  I am giving myself a deadline of October 20, 2010 to be finished with the paperwork and everything.

Time is of the essence. Time is something that we tend to take for granted. How many times have you said to yourself, oh I have time or I need to make time? Do we really?  I have decided that I need some "ME" time! No distractions, no phone-well, I'm trying on that one, nobody else, just me.  If you don't do it, you should try it...15 minutes or more by yourself can work wonders for you mind, body and spirit. 

Speaking of mind, body and spirit.....I have began to sell Soul Purpose Products. They are bath, body and makeup products.  I know you are probably thinking, girl, what next?  This is the last product that I am selling.  I still sell Mary Kay and Ardyss, however, Soul Purpose is geared more toward us....African-Americans, black people-however you describe yourself.  Visit my web-site and let me know what you think.

Thanks for taking this journey into a new beginning with me.....muah!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well, I guess it's been one of those days. I am really trying to remain positive about the situations that are before me today. I said a quick prayer , so it's better already! I'm not sure if there is a full moon 24 hours a day, but it sure feels like!! Sometimes, it seems like everything is starting to unravel all at once.


Have you ever just looked out the window and said " Ahhh"? I did that just now and I feel a lot better than I did earlier. I sent my friend a text and his response was just what I needed. Yes, I said HIS. He is like a breath of fresh air, so thoughtful, considerate......I could go on and on about him.......I'll just think of him and say...."Ahhhh"!

Monday, August 30, 2010

A late break.....

I think I am going to really like this blogging thing.....I am able to do this from my phone, too!

It's time for a late break......instead of going outside.......I decided to write.

As I was driving into work today, I thought about what I should do next as far as my business ventures. Of course, I love Mary Kay and Ardyss, but I feel the need to do something that has MY name on it. I have been looking at the Virtual Assistant world.....I think I could do that! I have come up with a name as well. I'm just excited, can you tell??? I only had one cup of coffee today, too....I also thought about a 501c3 organization as well, but that is way down the line! I promise to keep you updated! Well...back to the grind.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Give me a Mango

Well hey there.....this is my first attempt at blogging.....I promise to keep it up. LOL! As I sit outside and feel the breeze on my legs, (big ones I might add, well maybe not) I have decided to make a few changes in my life. I can't keep dwelling on the shoulda, woulda, coulda's!! The time is now....I have never been a timid person, so I wonder what the hell is holding me back?? ME!! I'm holding me back. I need to put on my big girl panties and face the music, note for note! I am going to use a fruit analogy right here: There is a bowl of various fruits on the table: apples, strawberries, oranges and mangoes. I really like apples, so I'll pick one....hmm, the taste is familiar, but I am still hungry. Aww, a strawberry! They're too small....I need too many of them to be full. OK, the orange, I like oranges, they are so refreshing, but still too familiar. Last fruit in the bowl.....a mango! I have had a mango may twice in my life....once it wasn't ripe enough and the other time, I wasn't ready to eat it. On August, 28, 2010....I am taking the MANGO! Awwww.....until next time! MUAH!!!